My Friend....

I remember the days when I was so alone,
Used to go to work and come back home,

I have always had friends who were there for name sake,
Till the time you entered my life and won my faith,

You are the one to know how I feel,
Even before I wish to speak,

You make my world so complete,
Don't know without you where I'd be,

Your care, concern and affection,
Wash away all my affliction,

I know you are there when I feel blue,
Now I am blessed to have a Friend who is so true.

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Tarun aggarwal said...

liked ur style of writing ...simple , sobre and emotional..

Unknown said...

Loved it.. Outta d bunch of so called friends... dat one friend who's true make a huge difference.. soothes d heart unlike ne1..
great going gal.. :)

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